The Shasta County Marshal's Office is the law enforcement unit of the Superior Court.
It is our mission to provide a safe environment for all court proceedings; to protect the dignity of court proceedings; to provide a safe and secure building for all who enter; and to enforce court orders, including warrants of arrest.
It is our mission to provide safe, secure and timely transportation for incarcerated defendants to and from the courts.
It is our mission to provide prompt, efficient and impartial service to the courts and the citizens of Shasta County; and to assist other law enforcement agencies as needed.
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The Administrative Services Unit is responsible for assuring that members of the Marshal's Office adhere to California POST (the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training) mandated training, investigating citizen complaints or concerns, conducting background investigations on prospective employees, gathering statistics and overseeing priority projects. The Administrative Lieutenant also serves as a liaison between the Marshal's Office and other state and local agencies, such as the California Department of Justice, the California Board of Corrections and others.
The Marshal’s Office operates a POST certified public safety dispatch center. Our public safety dispatchers provide dispatch and communication services for all court and filed operations, answer calls for service within court facilities and monitor our camera system.
- Service - We will provide law enforcement service to the courts and the community with impartiality and enthusiasm.
- Integrity - We will be honest, ethical and at all times above reproach. We will be held accountable for our actions, both good and bad.
- Excellence - We are the best at what we do. We are considered leaders and models in the area of court security and we shall always strive to be innovative in our field and to exceed the expectations of those we serve.
- Respect - We will respect all individuals. We will recognize the dignity of all persons and celebrate diversity, and will provide fair and equal treatment to all.
- Commitment - We are committed to the Superior Court and to the community we serve. We will show this commitment by fair, impartial and vigorous delivery of law enforcement services to all.
- Honor - We are honorable professionals engaged in an honorable profession. We will uphold that honor in all we do by adhering to these Core Values as well as the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics and generally recognized standards of conduct.
Joel Northrup, Marshal
The Court Security Unit is responsible for court security. The Superior Court of California, County of Shasta currently has 14 courtrooms which handle cases from criminal to civil. The Marshal's Office provides court security services and judicial protection for all bench officers (judges and court commissioners). Maintaining the peace and assuring an orderly courtroom for all persons is a core duty of each of the deputies assigned to this unit. Deputies may also assist in perimeter security, warrant service and any other duties as needed.
In addition to court security, perimeter security and warrant service, deputies of the Shasta County Marshal's Office also perform general law enforcement duties. While deputies do not respond as primary officers to calls for service outside of court facilities, they do respond as back up to other law enforcement agencies on an as-needed basis. As California peace officers with statewide authority, deputies make arrests for violations of law committed in their presence.
In the late 1800's many cities in the western United States had a city Marshal, who was a contemporary police officer for the city. The most famous of these, of course, was Wyatt Earp before he became a United States Marshal. The city Marshal was responsible for keeping the peace within the city limits. Outside of the city limits, that duty fell to the county Sheriff, much as it is today.
The Constable has been a fixture throughout history, from feudal times to the establishment of the original 13 colonies in America. In Shasta County, the Constable had always been a part of the Justice Courts, acting as bailiff, process server, investigator and general peacekeeper. On January first, 1989, the Marshal's Office and the Constable's Office consolidated services, becoming the Shasta County Marshal's Office.
Prior to 1993, the Sheriff's Office provided court security for the Superior Court and the Marshal's Office provided it for the Municipal Courts. Both agencies served civil papers, resulting in a duplication of effort. In January of 1993, legislation forever changed that separation, providing a consolidation of court security services. Which of the two offices (Marshal or Sheriff) would be consolidated was left up to a majority vote of the judges. The judges in Shasta County voted to have the Marshal's Office provide all security services in all courtrooms. The service of all civil process was also given to the Marshal.
In 1997 the Lockyer-Isenberg Trial Court Funding Act was introduced. This act provided for the state of California to directly fund all of the trial courts. A large portion of this act related to court security issues and proposed that all Marshal's Offices be abolished and their duties taken over by the Sheriff in each county. This issue, however, was left to each locality to decide. In Shasta County the decision was made to leave court security functions with the Marshal's Office, so the proposed merger did not occur here. Other large agencies, such as Orange County and San Diego, did merge with their respective Sheriff's Offices.
In 1998, the voters approved Proposition 220, which allowed for individual counties to consolidate their Municipal and Superior Court operations. To do so, a majority of the judges of each county would have to vote to consolidate. All 58 counties did so, effectively abolishing all Municipal courts in favor of Superior Courts. The California Constitution was subsequently amended, deleting all reference to Municipal courts. So today all trial courts in the state are Superior Courts.
In 2000 employees of the court system became court employees whereas before they had been county employees. This included the marshal sworn deputies and non sworn employees.
Employees of the Marshal's Office work Monday through Friday, with weekends and holidays off. This is a very family friendly schedule, as there is neither swing nor graveyard shifts. Hours are 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, with some minor variations. Many of the deputies and non-sworn employees sought employment with this office due to the stable schedule and the opportunity to work and make a difference within the court system. Opportunities may exist for sworn Deputy Marshals, non-sworn Public Safety Service Officers and Public Safety Dispatchers. For information on joining our team, please visit the Human Resources page of the Superior Court of California, County of Shasta website.
The Shasta County Marshal’s Volunteer Program (MVP) was started in 2008. The Marshal’s Office Volunteer Services Unit exists as a way to help citizens assist their community by serving in the Marshal’s Office and Superior Court.
The following is a list of some volunteer activities:
- Assistance at the Weapon Screening Stations located throughout the Court facilities.
- Provide general information to the public entering and using Court facilities.
- General office assistance.
- Public Relations - conduct departmental and Court tours for interested community members.
- Perform security checks.
For more information on the Marshal’s Office Volunteer Program please contact the volunteer coordinator at the Marshal’s Office.

Joel Northrup, Marshal
The Shasta County Marshal's Office functions as the law enforcement unit of the Superior Court of California, County of Shasta. My deputies provide security services to the judges, serve warrants of arrest, provide building security and perform general law enforcement duties within the county. We are fully sworn California peace officers, having the same statewide authority as city police officers and county deputy sheriffs, as defined by section 830.1 of the California Penal Code. Our motto, “An Honor to Serve, A Duty to Protect”, and our core values of Service, Integrity, Excellence, Respect, Commitment and Honor define who we are as the Marshal’s Office.
The Perimeter Security Unit is responsible for security outside the courtrooms. All citizens who have business within court facilities must enter through weapon screening stations. Deputies assigned to this unit operate these screening stations, patrol court facilities and patrol the area outside of our court facilities.
Shasta County Marshal Policy Manual
Policies denoted with an asterisk (*) are exempt from public disclosure under Government Code 6254(f) as “records of intelligence information or security procedures”.
Law Enforcement Role and Authority
- Policy 100 Law Enforcement Authority
- Policy 101 Chief Executive Officer
- Policy 102 Oath of Office
- Policy 103 Policy Manual
Organization and Administration
- Policy 200 Organizational Structure and Responsibility
- Policy 201 General Order
- Policy 202 Evacuation Plan
- Policy 203 Training Policy
- Policy 204 Electronic Mail
- Policy 205 Administrative Communications
- Policy 206 Staffing Levels
- Policy 207 License to Carry a Firearm
- Policy 208 Retiree Concealed Firearms
General Operations
- Policy 300 Use of Force
- Policy 301 Restraining In-custody Defendants
- Policy 302 Handcuffing and Restraints
- Policy 303 Control Devices and Techniques
- Policy 304 Conducted Energy Device
- Policy 305 Officer-Involved Shootings and Deaths
- Policy 306 Firearms
- Policy 307 Vehicle Pursuits
- Policy 308 Deputy Response to Calls
- Policy 309 Domestic Violence
- Policy 310 Search and Seizure
- Policy 311 Temporary Custody of Juveniles
- Policy 312 Senior and Disability Victimization
- Policy 313 Discriminatory Harassment
- Policy 314 Child Abuse
- Policy 315 Missing Persons
- Policy 316 Victim and Witness Assistance
- Policy 317 Hate Crimes
- Policy 318 Conduct
- Policy 319 Department Technology Use
- Policy 320 Report Preparation
- Policy 321 Media Relations
- Policy 322 Court Appearance and Subpoenas
- Policy 323 Mutual Aid and Outside Agency Assistance
- Policy 324 Registered Offender Information
- Policy 325 Major Incident Notification
- Policy 326 Identity Theft
- Policy 327 Private Persons Arrests
- Policy 329 Limited English Proficiency Services
- Policy 330 Communications with Persons with Disabilities
- Policy 331 Mandatory School Employee Reporting
- Policy 332 Biological Samples
- Policy 333 Public Safety Camera System
- Policy 334 Child and Dependent Adult Safety
- Policy 335 Service Animals
- Policy 336 Marshal Volunteer Program (MVP)
- Policy 337 Off-Duty Law Enforcement Actions
- Policy 338 Gun Violence Restraining Orders
- Policy 339 Reserve Deputies
Patrol Operations
- Policy 400 Patrol Function
- Policy 401 Bias-Based Policing
- Policy 402 Briefing Training
- Policy 403 Crime and Disaster Scene Integrity
- Policy 404 Hazardous Material Response
- Policy 405 Hostage and Barricade Incidents*
- Policy 406 Response to Bomb Calls*
- Policy 407 Mental Illness Commitments
- Policy 408 Cite and Release Policy
- Policy 409 Arrest or Detention of Foreign Nationals
- Policy 410 Rapid Response and Deployment Policy (Active Shooter)*
- Policy 412 Immigration Violations
- Policy 413 Field Training Officer Program
- Policy 414 Obtaining Air Support
- Policy 415 Detentions and Photographing Detainees
- Policy 416 Shift Sergeants
- Policy 417 Portable Audio/Video Recorders
- Policy 418 Medical Marijuana
- Policy 419 Foot Pursuits
- Policy 420 Homeless Persons
- Policy 421 Ride-Along Policy
- Policy 422 Crisis Intervention Incidents
- Policy 423 Public Recording of Law Enforcement Activity
- Policy 424 First Amendment Assemblies
- Policy 425 Civil Disputes
- Policy 426 Suspicious Activity Reporting
- Policy 427 Medical Aid and Response
Traffic Operations
- Policy 500 Traffic Function and Responsibility
- Policy 500 Traffic Citations
- Policy 501 Vehicle Towing and Release
- Policy 501 Disabled Vehicles
Investigation Operations
- Policy 600 Investigation and Prosecution
- Policy 601 Sexual Assault Investigations
- Policy 602 Eyewitness Identification
- Policy 603 Brady Material Disclosure
- Policy 700 Department Owned and Personal Property
- Policy 701 Personal Communication Devices
- Policy 702 Vehicle Maintenance
- Policy 703 Vehicle Use
Support Services
- Policy 800 Communication Operations
- Policy 801 Property and Evidence
- Policy 802 Weapons Screening Station-Found/Abandoned Procedures
- Policy 803 Records Division
- Policy 804 Records Maintenance and Release
- Policy 805 Protected Information
- Policy 806 Computers and Digital Evidence
- Policy 1000 Reporting of Employee Convictions
- Policy 1001 Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace
- Policy 1002 Communicable Diseases
- Policy 1003 Smoking and Tobacco Use
- Policy 1004 Personnel Complaints
- Policy 1005 Seat Belts
- Policy 1006 Body Armor
- Policy 1007 Personnel Records
- Policy 1008 Request for Change of Assignment
- Policy 1009 Employee Commendations
- Policy 1010 Fitness for Duty
- Policy 1011 Lactation Break Policy
- Policy 1012 Payroll Records
- Policy 1013 Outside Employment
- Policy 1014 Personal Appearance Standards
- Policy 1015 Uniform Regulations
- Policy 1016 Nepotism and Conflicting Relationships
- Policy 1017 Department Badges
- Policy 1018 Temporary Modified-Duty Assignments
- Policy 1019 Employee Speech, Expression and Social Networking
The Shasta County Marshal's Office provides transportation of inmates from the Shasta County Jail to the main courthouse for arraignments, preliminary hearings, trials and other court related functions. Juvenile inmates who are tried as adults are also transported from Juvenile Hall to the main courthouse as needed.
The Shasta County Marshal's Office has a proud tradition of serving warrants of arrest issued by the courts. Deputies will go into the community and seek out those persons who have failed to appear in court, failed to pay their fine, or failed to complete court ordered programs. The violations involved can range from misdemeanors to serious felonies.