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Form Packets

Form Packets

Form Packets are listed below. Form Packets are multiple forms that are completed as a group for a given issue. You can find State Forms at the Judicial Council website.

Adoption - Adult

Note: Please refer to the Civil Schedule for filing fee information.

A separate Adoption Request must be filed for each adoptee.

Form Name Form Title
LF-ADP-102 Petition for Adult Adoption
IS-004 Rules for Filing Papers
LF-ADP-101 Agreement of Adoption - Adult
LF-ADP-105 Consent of Spouse of Adopting Party
LF-ADP-103 Consent of Spouse of Adult Adoptee
LF-ADP-104 Order of Adoption - Adult
Must be obtained
from Vital Records
Court Report of Adoption


Note: Please refer to the Civil Schedule for filing fee information.

A separate Adoption Request must be filed for each adoptee.

Form Name Form Title
ADOPT-050 How to Adopt a Child in California
IS-004 Rules for Filing Papers
ADOPT-200 Adoption Request
ADOPT-210 Adoption Agreement
ADOPT-215 Adoption Order
ADOPT-205 Declaration Confirming Parentage in Stepparent Adoption
ADOPT-216 Verification of Compliance with Hague Adoption Convention Attachment
ADOPT-220 Adoption of Indian Child
ADOPT-225 Parent of Indian Child Agrees to End Parental Rights
ADOPT-230 Adoption Expenses
ADOPT-310 Contact After Adoption Agreement
ADOPT-315 Request to: Enforce, Change, End Contact After Adoption
ADOPT-320 Answer to Request to: Enforce, Change, End Contact After
ADOPT-325 Judge’s Order to: Enforce, Change, End Contact

Civil Harassment

Note: Please refer to the Civil Schedule for filing fee information.

Form Name Form Title
CH-100-INFO Can a Civil Harassment Restraining Order Help Me?
IS-004 Rules for Filing Papers
CM-010 Civil Case Cover Sheet
MC-030 Declaration
CH-100 Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders
MC-025 Attachment to Judicial Council Form
CLETS-001 Confidential CLETS Information
CH-109 Notice of Court Hearing
CH-110 Temporary Restraining Order
CH-120-INFO How Can I Respond to a Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders?
CH-120 Response to Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders
CH-115-INFO How to Ask for a New Hearing Date
CH-115 Request to Continue Court Hearing
CH-116 Order on Request to Continue Hearing
CH-130 Civil Harassment Restraining Order After Hearing
CH-200-INFO What is ”Proof of Personal Service”?
CH-200 Proof of Personal Service
CH-210 Summons (Civil Harassment Restraining Order)
CH-250 Proof of Service of Response by Mail
CH-600 Request to Modify/Terminate Civil Harassment Restraining Order
CH-610 Notice of Hearing on Request to Modify/Terminate Civil Harassment Restraining Order
CH-620 Response to Request to Modify/Terminate Civil Harassment Restraining Order
CH-630 Order on Request to Modify/Terminate Civil Harassment Restraining Order
CH-700 Request to Renew Restraining Order
CH-710 Notice of Hearing to Renew Restraining Order
CH-715 Request to Reschedule Hearing to Renew Restraining Order
CH-716 Order to Reschedule Hearing to Renew Restraining Order
CH-720 Response to Request to Renew Restraining Order
CH-730 Order Renewing Civil Harassment Restraining Order
CH-800-INFO How Do I Turn In or Sell My Firearms?
CH-800 Proof of Firearms Turned In or Sold


Note: Please refer to the Civil Schedule for filing fee information.

Form Name Form Title
IS-028 Conservatorship Packet - Reference Guide
IS-029 General Conservatorship Information for Self-Represented Litigants
IS-004 Rules for Filing Papers
IS-030 General Probate Conservatorship Diagram
IS-032 Limited Probate Conservatorship Diagram
IS-033 Local Rules for Conservatorship
LF-PRB-103 Information Sheet - Confidential
GC-020 Notice of Hearing - Guardianship or Conservatorship
GC-020(P) Proof of Personal Service of Notice of Hearing
GC-020(MA) Attachment to Notice of Hearing Proof of Service by Mail
GC-310 Petition for Appointment of Probate Conservator
GC-312 Confidential Supplemental Information
GC-310 Confidential Screening Form
GC-320 Citation for Conservatorship
GC-330 Order Appointing Court Investigator (Investigation will not begin if not filed)
GC-335 Capacity Declaration
GC-335(A) Capacity Declaration Attachment (for PC 2356.5 Dementia Powers)
GC-340 Order Appointing Probate Conservator
GC-341 Notice of Conservatee's Rights
GC-348 Duties of Conservator and Acknowledgement of Receipt of Handbook for Conservators
GC-350 Letters of Conservatorship

Dissolution - Summary

Note: Please refer to the Civil Schedule for filing fee information.

Form Name Form Title
FL-810 Summary Dissolution Information Booklet
IS-004 Rules for Filing Papers
FL-800 Joint Petition for Summary Dissolution
FL-150 Income and Expense Declaration
FL-825 Judgment of Dissolution and Notice of Entry of Judgment
FL-830 Notice of Revocation of Petition for Summary Dissolution

Dissolution/Legal Separation/Nullity - with Minor Child

Note: Please refer to the Civil Schedule for filing fee information.

Form Name Form Title
IS-010a Part I – forms list
IS-004 Rules for Filing Papers
IS-008 Petition for Dissolution, Legal Separation or Nullity of Marriage or Domestic Partnership
FL-107-INFO Legal Steps for a Divorce (Dissolution)
FL-313-INFO Child Custody Information Sheet-Recommended Counseling
FL-110 Summons
FL-100 Petition
FL-160 Property Declaration
FL-161 Continuation of Property Declaration
FL-120 Response
FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons
IS-003 Information re Declaration of Disclosure
FL-140 Declaration of Disclosure
FL-141 Declaration Regarding Service of Declaration of Disclosure & Income and Expense Declaration
FL-142 Schedule of Assets and Debts
FL-150 Income and Expense Declaration
FL-105 Declaration Under UCCJEA
FL-105(A) Attachment to Declaration Under UCCJEA
FL-311 Child Custody and Visitation Attachment
MC-031 Attached Declaration
IS-010b Part II – forms list
IS-003 Information Re Declaration of Disclosure
FL-140 Declaration of Disclosure
FL-142 Schedule of Assets and Debts
FL-150 Income and Expense Declaration
FL-141 Declaration Regarding Service of Declaration of Disclosure & Income and Expense Declaration
FL-165 Request to Enter Default
FL-170 Declaration for Default or Uncontested Disso
FL-105 Declaration Under UCCJEA
FL-157 Spousal or Partner Support Declaration
FL-319 Request for Attorney Fees and Costs Attachment
FL-158 Supporting Declaration for Attorney Fees and Costs Attachment
FL-190 Notice of Entry of Judgment
FL-180 Judgment
FL-182 Judgment Checklist – Divorce/Legal Separation
FL-345 Property Order Attachment to Judgment
FL-355 Stipulation and Order for Custody and/or Visitation of Children
FL-341 Child Custody and Visitation Order Attachment
FL-341(D) Additional Provisions-Physical Custody Attachment
FL-341(E) Joint Legal Custody Attachment
FL-341(C) Children’s Holiday Schedule Attachment
FL-341(A) Supervised Visitation Order
FL-341(B) Child Abduction Prevention Order Attachment
FL-350 Stipulation to Establish or Modify Child Support and Order
FL-342 Child Support Information and Order Attachment
FL-342(A) Non-Guideline Child Support Findings Attachment
FL-343 Spousal, Partner, or Family Support Order Attachment
FL-346 Attorney’s Fees and Costs Order Attachment
FL-191 Child Support Case Registry Form
FL-192 Notice of Rights and Responsibilities
Other Forms You May Need
LF-FAM-100 Family Law At-Issue Memorandum
FL-130 Appearance, Stipulations, and Waivers
FL-144 Stipulation and Waiver of Final Declaration of Disclosure
FL-397 Request for Income and Benefit Info from Employer

Dissolution/Legal Separation/Nullity - without Minor Child

Note: Please refer to the Civil Schedule for filing fee information.

Form Name Form Title
IS-005a Part I – forms list
IS-004 Rules for Filing Papers
IS-008 Petition for Dissolution, Legal Separation or Nullity of Marriage or Domestic Partnership
FL-107-INFO Legal Steps for a Divorce (Dissolution)
FL-110 Summons
FL-100 Petition
FL-160 Property Declaration
FL-161 Continuation of Property Declaration
FL-120 Response
FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons
IS-003 Information re Declaration of Disclosure
FL-140 Declaration of Disclosure
FL-141 Declaration Regarding Service of Declaration of Disclosure & Income and Expense Declaration
FL-142 Schedule of Assets and Debts
FL-150 Income and Expense Declaration
MC-031 Attached Declaration
IS-005b Part II – forms list
IS-003 Information re Declaration of Disclosure
FL-140 Declaration of Disclosure
FL-142 Schedule of Assets and Debts
FL-150 Income and Expense Declaration
FL-141 Declaration Regarding Service of Declaration of Disclosure & Income and Expense Declaration
FL-165 Request to Enter Default
FL-170 Declaration for Default or Uncontested Dissolution
FL-157 Spousal or Partner Support Declaration
FL-319 Request for Attorney Fees and Costs Attachment
FL-158 Supporting Declaration for Attorney Fees and Costs Attachment
FL-190 Notice of Entry of Judgment
FL-180 Judgment
FL-182 Judgment Checklist – Dissolution/Legal Separation
FL-345 Property Order Attachment to Judgment
FL-343 Spousal, Partner, or Family Support Order Attachment
FL-346 Attorney Fees and Costs Order Attachment
Other Forms You May Need
LF-FAM-100 Family Law At-Issue Memorandum
FL-130 Appearance, Stipulations, and Waivers
FL-144 Stipulation and Waiver of Final Declaration of Disclosure
FL-397 Request for Income and Benefit Info from Employer

Domestic Violence: Restraining Order After Hearing

Note: Please refer to the Civil Schedule for filing fee information.

Form Name Form Title
DV-130 Restraining Order After Hearing (Order of Protection)
CLETS-001 Confidential CLETS Information
DV-140 Child Custody and Visitation Order
DV-150 Supervised Visitation and Exchange Order
FL-342 Child Support Information and Order Attachment
FL-192 Notice of Rights and Responsibilities (Health-Care Costs and Reimbursement Procedures)
FL-191 Child Support Case Registry Form
FL-343 Spousal, Partner, or Family Support Order Attachment
DV-900 Order Transferring Wireless Phone Account
DV-901 Attachment to Order Transferring Wireless Phone Account
DV-250 Proof of Service by Mail

Domestic Violence

Note: Please refer to the Civil Schedule for filing fee information.

Form Name Form Title
IS-009 Domestic Violence Prevention Cover Sheet
DV-500-INFO Can a Domestic Violence Restraining Order Help Me?
DV-505-INFO How Do I Ask For a Temporary Restraining Order?
DV-520-INFO Get Ready for the Court Hearing
DV-530-INFO How to Enforce Your Restraining Order
DV-100 Request for Domestic Violence Restraining Order
CLETS-001 Confidential CLETS Information
DV-101 Description of Abuse
DV-105 Request for Child Custody and Visitation Orders
DV-108 Request for Order: No Travel with Children
DV-109 Notice of Court Hearing
DV-110 Temporary Restraining Order
DV-140 Child Custody and Visitation Order
DV-145 Order: No Travel with Children
DV-150 Supervised Visitation and Exchange Order
DV-570 Which Financial Form – FL-155 or FL-150?
DV-120-INFO How Can I Respond to a Request for Domestic Violence Restraining Order?
DV-120 Response to Request for Domestic Violence Restraining Order
DV-112 Waiver of Hearing on Denied Request for Temporary Restraining Order
DV-115-INFO How to Ask for a New Hearing Date
DV-115 Request to Continue Hearing
DV-116 Order on Request to Continue Court Hearing
DV-130 Restraining Order After Hearing (Order of Protection)
FL-342 Child Support Information and Order Attachment
FL-192 Notice of Rights and Responsibilities (Health-Care Costs and Reimbursement Procedures)
FL-191 Child Support Case Registry Form
FL-343 Spousal, Partner, or Family Support Order Attachment
DV-900 Order Transferring Wireless Phone Account
DV-901 Attachment to Order Transferring Wireless Phone Account
DV-180 Agreement and Judgment of Parentage
DV-200-INFO What Is ”Proof of Personal Service”?
DV-200 Proof of Personal Service
DV-250 Proof of Service by Mail
DV-700-INFO How Do I Ask the Court to Renew my Restraining Order?
DV-700 Request to Renew Restraining Order
DV-710 Notice of Hearing to Renew Restraining Order
DV-715 Request to Reschedule Hearing to Renew Restraining Order
DV-716 Order to Reschedule Hearing to Renew Restraining Order
DV-720 Response to Request to Renew Restraining Order
DV-730 Order to Renew Domestic Violence Restraining Order
DV-600 Order to Register Out-of-State or Tribal Court Protective/Restraining Order
DV-610 Fax Transmission Cover Sheet for Registration of Tribal Court Protective Order
DV-800-INFO/JV-252-INFO How Do I Turn In or Sell my Firearms?
DV-800/JV-252 Proof of Firearms Turned In or Sold
DV-840/FL-840 Notice of Compliance Hearing for Firearms and Ammunition

Elder Abuse

Note: Please refer to the Civil Schedule for filing fee information.

Form Name Form Title
EA-100-INFO Can a Restraining Order to Prevent Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse Help Me?
EA-100 Request for Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse Restraining Orders
CLETS-001 Confidential CLETS Information
EA-109 Notice of Court Hearing
EA-110 Temporary Restraining Order
EA-120-INFO How Can I Respond to a Request for Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse Restraining Orders?
EA-120 Response to Request for Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse Restraining Orders
EA-115-INFO How to Ask for a New Hearing Date
EA-115 Request to Continue Court Hearing
EA-116 Order on Request to Continue Court Hearing
EA-130 Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse Restraining Order After Hearing
EA-200-INFO What is ”Proof of Personal Service”?
EA-200 Proof of Personal Service
EA-250 Proof of Service of Response by Mail
EA-260 Proof of Service of Order After Hearing by Mail
EA-600 Request to Modify/Terminate Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse Restraining Order
EA-610 Notice of Hearing on Request to Modify/Terminate Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse Restraining Order
EA-620 Response to Request to Modify/Terminate Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse Restraining Order
EA-630 Order on Request to Modify/Terminate Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse Restraining Order
EA-700 Request to Renew Restraining Order
EA-710 Notice of Hearing to Renew Restraining Order
EA-715 Request to Reschedule Hearing to Renew Restraining Order
EA-716 Order to Reschedule Hearing to Renew Restraining Order
EA-720 Response to Request to Renew Restraining Order
EA-730 Order Renewing Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse Restraining Order
EA-800-INFO How Do I Turn In or Sell My Firearms?
EA-800 Proof of Firearms Turned In or Sold


Note: Please refer to the Civil Schedule for filing fee information.

Form Name Form Title
MC-301 Emancipation Pamphlet
IS-004 Rules for Filing Papers
MC-300 Petition for Declaration of Emancipation of Minor, Order Prescribing Notice, Declaration of Emancipation, and Order Denying Petition
MC-306 Emancipation of Minor Income and Expense Declaration
MC-305 Notice of Hearing-Emancipation of Minor
MC-310 Declaration of Emancipation of Minor After Hearing

Fee Waiver

Note: Please refer to the Civil Schedule for filing fee information.

Form Name Form Title
FW-001-INFO Information Sheet on Waiver of Court Fees and Costs
FW-001-GC Request to Waive Court Fees
FW-003-GC Order on Court Fee Waiver

Fee Waiver - Guardianship Conservatorship

Note: Please refer to the Civil Schedule for filing fee information.

Form Name Form Title
FW-001-INFO Information Sheet on Waiver of Superior Court Fees and Costs
FW-001 Request to Waiver Court Fees (Ward or Conservatee)
FW-003 Order on Court Fee Waiver (Superior Court) (Ward or Conservatee)

Findings and Order After Hearing

Note: Please refer to the Civil Schedule for filing fee information.

Form Name Form Title
FL-340 Findings and Order After Hearing
FL-341 Child Custody and Visitation Order Attachment
FL-341A Supervised Visitation Order
FL-341B Child Abduction Prevention Order Attachment
FL-341C Children’s Holiday Schedule Attachment
FL-341D Additional Provisions-Physical Custody Attachment
FL-341E Joint Legal Custody Attachment
FL-342 Child Support Information and Order Attachment
FL-342A Non-Guideline Child Support Findings Attachment
FL-343 Spousal, Partner, or Family Support Order Attachment
FL-344 Property Order Attachment to Findings and Order
FL-346 Attorney’s Fees and Costs Order Attachment
FL-347 Bifurcation of Status of Marriage or Domestic Partnership – Attachment (Family Law)
MC-020 Additional Page
FL-191 Child Support Case Registry Form
FL-192 Notice of Rights and Responsibilities (Health-Care Costs and Reimbursement Procedures)
FL-335-INFO Information Sheet for Proof of Service by Mail
FL-335 Proof of Service by Mail
FL-330-INFO Information Sheet for Proof of Personal Service
FL-330 Proof of Personal Service

Gun Violence

Note: Please refer to the Civil Schedule for filing fee information.

Form Name Form Title
GV-100-INFO Can a Firearms Restraining Order Help Me?
IS-004 Rules for Filing Papers
CM-010 Civil Case Cover Sheet
MC-030 Declaration
GV-100 Petition for Firearms Restraining Order
MC-031 Attached Declaration
CLETS-001 Confidential CLETS Information
GV-109 Notice of Court Hearing
GV-110 Temporary Firearms Restraining Order
GV-120-INFO How Can I Respond to a Petition for Firearms Restraining Order?
GV-120 Response to Petition for Firearms Restraining Order
GV-115 Request to Continue Court Hearing for Firearms Restraining Order
GV-116 Order for Continuance and Notice of New Hearing Date
GV-125 Consent to Gun Violence Restraining Order and Surrender of Firearms
GV-130 Firearms Restraining Order After Hearing
GV-200-INFO What is ”Proof of Personal Service”?
GV-200 Proof of Personal Service
GV-250 Proof of Service by Mail
GV-600 Request to Terminate Firearms Restraining Order
GV-610 Notice of Hearing on Request to Terminate Firearms Restraining Order
GV-620 Response to Request to Terminate Firearms Restraining Order
GV-630 Order on Request to Terminate Firearms Restraining Order
GV-700 Request to Renew Firearms Restraining Order
GV-710 Notice of Hearing to Renew Firearms Restraining Order
GV-715 Request to Reschedule Hearing to Renew Restraining Order
GV-716 Order to Reschedule Hearing to Renew Restraining Order
GV-720 Response to Request to Renew Firearms Restraining Order
GV-730 Order on Request to Renew Firearms Restraining Order
GV-800-INFO How Do I Turn In, Sell, or Store My Firearms?
GV-800 Proof of Firearms Turned In, Sold, or Stored

Guardianship Packet - ICWA (supplement to Guardianship)

Note: Please refer to the Civil Schedule for filing fee information.

Form Name Form Title
ICWA-005-INFO Information Sheet on Indian Child Inquiry Attachment
ICWA-030 Notice of Child Custody Proceeding for Indian Child
ICWA-010A Indian Child Inquiry Attachment


Note: Please refer to the Civil Schedule for filing fee information.

Form Name Form Title
GC-205-INFO Guardianship Pamphlet
CF-008 Guardian Notice Re Investigator Fee
IS-004 Rules for Filing Papers
GC-505 Forms You Need to Ask the Court to Appoint a Guardian
GC-510 What Is ”Proof of Service” in a Guardianship
GC-110 Petition for Appointment of Temporary Guardian
LF-MSC-102 Declaration re Notice of Ex Parte Application for Temporary Order (Rule 3.1200 et seq)
GC-210 Petition for Appointment of Guardian of Minor
GC-210CA Guardianship Petition – Child Information Attachment
GC-120 Declaration Under UCCJEA
GC-120(A) Attachment to Declaration Under UCCJEA
MC-030 Declaration
GC-212 Confidential Guardian Screening Form
GC-248 Duties of Guardian
LF-PRB-101 Order Appointing Court Investigator
LF-PRB-106 Parent Information Form (Confidential)
GC-215 Objection to Petition for Appointment of Guardian
GC-211 Consent of Proposed Guardian, Nomination, and Waiver of Notice
GC-021 Order Dispensing with Notice
GC-022 Order Prescribing Notice
GC-140 Order Appointing Temporary Guardian or Conservator
GC-150 Letters of Temporary Guardianship
GC-020 Notice of Hearing - Guardianship or Conservatorship
GC-207-INFO Comparison of Guardianship with Other Nonparent Caregivers
GC-250 Letters of Guardianship
GC-240 Order Appointing Guardian or Extending Guardianship of the Person
DE-160 Inventory and Appraisal
GC-041 Inventory and Appraisal Attachment

Name Change

Note: Please refer to the Civil Schedule for filing fee information.

Form Name Form Title
CM-010 Civil Case Cover Sheet
NC-100 Petition for Change of Name
NC-110 Attachment to Petition for Change of Name
NC-110G Supplemental Attachment to Petition for change of Name (Declaration of Guardian)
NC-120 Order to Show Cause for Change of Name
NC-121 Proof of Service of Order to Show Cause
NC-130 Decree Changing Name
NC-130G Decree Change Name (of Minor by Guardian)

Order to Show Cause re Contempt

Note: Please refer to the Civil Schedule for filing fee information.

Form Name Form Title
FL-410 Order to Show Cause and Affidavit For Contempt
FL-411 Affidavit of Facts Constituting Contempt/Financial-Injunctive Order
FL-412 Affidavit of Facts Constituting Contempt: DV/Custody-Visitation
MC-020 Additional Page
FL-319 Request for Attorney Fees and Costs Attachment
FL-158 Supporting Declaration for Attorney Fees and Costs Attachment
FL-157 Spousal or Partner Support Declaration Attachment
FL-150 Income and Expense Declaration
FL-330-INFO Information Sheet for Proof of Personal Service
FL-330 Proof of Personal Service
FL-415 Findings and Order Regarding Contempt
FL-346 Attorney’s Fees and Costs Order Attachment
FL-306 Request to Continue Hearing
FL-307 Order on Request to Continue Hearing

Petition for Certificate of Rehabilitation and Pardon

Form Name Form Title
Form 1 Petition for Certificate of Rehabilitation and Pardon
Form 2 Notice of Filing of Petition for Certificate of Rehabilitation Pardon
Form 3 Certificate of Rehabilitation

Petition for Custody and Support of Minor Children

Note: Please refer to the Civil Schedule for filing fee information.

Form Name Form Title
IS-026a Part I – forms list
IS-004 Rules for Filing Papers
FL-313-INFO Child Custody Information Sheet-Recommended Counseling
FL-210 Summons
FL-260 Petition for Custody and Support of Minor Children
FL-105 Declaration Under UCCJEA
FL-105(A) Attachment to Declaration Under UCCJEA
FL-270 Response to Petition for Custody and Support of Minor Children
FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons
MC-031 Attached Declaration
MC-020 Additional Page
FL-150 Income and Expense Declaration
FL-311 Child Custody and Visitation Attachment
FL-312 Request for Child Abduction Prevention Orders
FL-341(C) Children’s Holiday Schedule Attachment
FL-341(D) Additional Provisions – Physical Custody Attachment
FL-341(E) Joint Legal Custody Attachment
IS-026b Part II – forms list
FL-165 Request to Enter Default
FL-230 Declaration For Default of Uncontested Judgment
FL-130 Appearance, Stipulations and Waivers
FL-190 Notice of Entry of Judgment
FL-250 Judgment
FL-355 Stipulation and Order for Custody and/or Visitation of Children
FL-341 Child Custody and Visitation Order Attachment
FL-341(A) Supervised Visitation Order
FL-341(C) Children’s Holiday Schedule Attachment
FL-341(D) Additional Provisions-Physical Custody Attachment
FL-341(E) Joint Legal Custody Attachment
FL-342 Child Support Information and Order Attachment
FL-342(A) Non-Guideline Child Support Findings attachment
FL-350 Stipulation to Establish or Modify Child Support and Order
FL-191 Child Support Case Registry Form
FL-192 Notice of Rights and Responsibilities

Petition for Dismissal

Form Name Form Title
CR-180 Petition for Dismissal
LF-CRM-116 District Attorney Response & Order (Attachment to CR-180)

Petition to Establish Parental Relationship

Note: Please refer to the Civil Schedule for filing fee information.

Form Name Form Title
IS-018a Part I – forms list
IS-004 Rules for Filing Papers
FL-313-INFO Child Custody Information Sheet-Recommended Counseling
FL-210 Summons
FL-200 Petition to Establish Parental Relationship
FL-235 Advisement and Waiver of Rights Re: Establishment of Parental Relationship
FL-105 Declaration Under UCCJEA
FL-105(A) Attachment to Declaration Under UCCJEA
FL-220 Response to Petition to Establish
FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons
MC-031 Attached Declaration
MC-020 Additional Page
FL-150 Income and Expense Declaration
IS-018b Part II – forms list
FL-165 Request to Enter Default
FL-230 Declaration For Default of Uncontested Judgment
FL-235 Advisement and Waiver of Rights Re: Establishment of Parental Relationship
FL-319 Request for Attorney Fees and Costs Attachment
FL-158 Supporting Declaration for Attorney’s Fees and Costs Attachment
FL-190 Notice of Entry of Judgment
FL-250 Judgment
FL-240 Stipulation for Entry of Judgment Re: Est Parental Relationship
FL-355 Stipulation and Order for Custody and/or Visitation of Children
FL-341 Child Custody and Visitation Order Attachment
FL-341(A) Supervised Visitation Order
FL-341(B) Child Abduction Prevention Order Attachment
FL-341(C) Children’s Holiday Schedule Attachment
FL-341(D) Additional Provisions-Physical Custody Attachment
FL-341(E) Joint Legal Custody Attachment
FL-342 Child Support Information and Order Attachment
FL-342(A) Non-Guideline Child Support Findings attachment
FL-350 Stipulation to Establish or Modify Child Support and Order
FL-191 Child Support Case Registry Form
FL-192 Notice of Rights and Responsibilities
FL-346 Attorney’s Fees and Costs Order Attachment
  Other Forms You May Need
LF-FAM-100 At-Issue Memorandum
FL-281 Information Sheet for Completing Request for Hearing and Application to Set Aside Voluntary Declaration of Paternity
FL-280 Request for Hearing and Application to Set Aside Voluntary Declaration of Paternity
FL-285 Responsive Declaration to Application to Set Aside Voluntary Declaration of Paternity
FL-290 Order After Hearing on Mot/Set Aside Voluntary Declaration of Paternity
FL-274 Information Sheet for Completing Motion to Set Aside Judgment of Paternity
FL-272 Notice of Motion to Set Aside Judgment of Paternity
FL-273 Declaration in Support of Motion to Set Aside Judgment of Paternity
FL-276 Response to Notice of Motion to Set Aside Judgment of Paternity
FL-278 Order After Hearing on Motion to Set Aside Judgment of Paternity

Request for Order

Note: Please refer to the Civil Schedule for filing fee information.

Form Name Form Title
IS-004 Rules for Filing Papers
FL-313-INFO Child Custody Information Sheet-Recommended Counseling
FL-303 Declaration Regarding Notice and Service of Request for Temporary Emergency (Ex Parte) Orders
FL-305 Temporary Orders
FL-300-INFO Information Sheet for Request for Order
FL-300 Request for Order
FL-320-INFO Information Sheet: Responsive Declaration to Request for Order
FL-320 Responsive Declaration to Request for Order
FL-330-INFO Information Sheet for Proof of Personal Service
FL-330 Proof of Personal Service
FL-335-INFO Information Sheet for Proof of Service by Mail
FL-335 Proof of Service by Mail
FL-334 Declaration Regarding Address Verification – Postjudgment Request to Modify a Child Custody, Visitation, or Child Support Order
FL-311 Child Custody and Visitation Application Attachment
FL-312 Request for Child Abduction Orders
FL-341 Child Custody and Visitation Order Attachment
FL-341(A) Supervised Visitation Order
FL-341(B) Child Abduction Prevention Order Attachment
FL-341(C) Children’s Holiday Schedule Attachment
FL-160 Property Declaration
FL-161 Continuation of Property Declaration
FL-319 Request for Attorney’s Fees and Costs Attachment
FL-158 Supporting Declaration for Attorney’s Fees and Costs Attachment
FL-157 Spousal or Partner Support Declaration Attachment
FL-150 Income and Expense Declaration
FL-315 Request or Response to Request for Separate Trial (Family Law
FL-347 Bifurcation of Status of Marriage or Domestic Partnership – Attachment (Family Law)
FL-316 Request for Orders Regarding Noncompliance with Disclosure Requirements
MC-031 Attached Declaration
MC-020 Additional Page
FL-105 Declaration Under UCCJEA
FL-105(A) Attachment to Declaration Under UCCJEA
FL-306 Request to Reschedule Hearing
FL-304-INFO How to Reschedule a Hearing in Family Court
FL-307 Request to Reschedule Hearing Involving Temporary Emergency (Ex Parte) Orders
FL-308 Agreement and Order to Reschedule Hearing
FL-309 Order on Request to Reschedule Hearing
FL-310 Responsive Declaration to Request to Reschedule Hearing

Warrants and Sealing Order

Form Name Form Title
CF-0060 Search Warrant and Affidavit
CF-0061 Search Warrant Return and Inventory
CF-0062 Sealing Order
CF-0063 Search Warrant DUI/BUI Blood Draw
CF-0064 Order To Delay Notification of Search Warrant
CF-0065 Arrest Warrant and Affidavit
CF-0066 Search and Arrest Warrant & Affidavit

Small Claims

Note: Please refer to the Civil Schedule for filing fee information.

Form Name Form Title
SC-100 Plaintiff’s Claim and Order
SC-100-INFO Information for the Plaintiff
IS-004 Rules for Filing Papers
SC-100A Other Plaintiffs and Defendants
SC-103 Fictitious Business Name Declaration
SC-109 Authorization of Appear
IS-011 Information on Naming Parties
SC-104 Proof of Service
SC-104B What is Proof of Service
SC-104C How to Serve a Business

Unlawful Detainer - Answer

Note: Please refer to the Civil Schedule for filing fee information.

Form Name Form Title
IS-002 The Eviction Process – Defendant Information
IS-004 Rules for Filing Papers
UD-104 Cover Sheet for Declaration of Covid-19–Related Financial Distress
UD-104A Attachment—Declaration of Covid-19–Related Financial Distress
UD-105 Answer
POS-040 Proof of Service

Unlawful Detainer

Note: Please refer to the Civil Schedule for filing fee information.

Form Name Form Title
IS-001 The Eviction Process
IS-004 Rules for Filing Papers
IS-007 Attorney Fees and Costs Information
CM-010 Civil Case Cover Sheet
UD-101 Plaintiff's Mandatory Cover Sheet and Supplemental Allegations
UD-100 Complaint
SUM-130 Summons-Unlawful Detainer-Eviction
POS-010 Proof of Service of Summons
CP-10.5 Prejudgment Claim of Right to Possession
CIV-100 Request for Entry of Default
UD-116 Declaration for Default Judgment by Court
UD-120 Verification by Landlord Regarding Rental Assistance-Unlawful Detainer
UD-110 Judgment-Unlawful Detainer
UD-110S Judgment-Unlawful Detainer-Attachment
UD-115 Stipulation for Entry of Judgment
CIV-110 Request for Dismissal
CIV-120 Notice of Entry of Dismissal
CIV-130 Notice of Entry of Judgment or Order
UD-150 Request/Counter-Request to Set Case for Trial
EJ-130 Writ of Execution
MC-012 Memorandum of Costs After Judgment, Acknowledgement of Credit, and Declaration of Accrued Interest

Workplace Violence

Note: Please refer to the Civil Schedule for filing fee information.

Form Name Form Title
WV-100-INFO How Do I Get an Order to Prohibit Workplace Violence?
IS-004 Rules for Filing Papers
CM-010 Civil Case Cover Sheet
MC-030 Declaration
WV-100 Petition For Workplace Violence Restraining Orders
CLETS-001 Confidential CLETS Information
WV-109 Notice of Court Hearing
WV-110 Temporary Restraining Order
WV-120-INFO How Can I Respond to a Petition for Workplace Violence Restraining Orders?
WV-120 Response to Petition for Workplace Violence Restraining Orders
WV-115-INFO How to Ask for a New Hearing Date
WV-115 Request to Continue Court Hearing
WV-116 Order on Request to Continue Hearing
WV-130 Workplace Violence Restraining Order After Hearing
WV-200-INFO What is ”Proof of Personal Service”?
WV-200 Proof of Personal Service
WV-250 Proof of Service of Response by Mail
WV-260 Proof of Service of Order After Hearing by Mail
WV-600 Request to Modify/Terminate Workplace Violence Restraining Order
WV-610 Notice of Hearing on Request to Modify/Terminate Workplace Violence Restraining Order
WV-620 Response to Request to Modify/Terminate Workplace Violence Restraining Order
WV-630 Order on Request to Modify/Terminate Workplace Violence Restraining Order
WV-700 Request to Renew Restraining Order
WV-710 Notice of Hearing to Renew Restraining Order
WV-720 Response to Request to Renew Restraining Order
WV-730 Order Renewing Workplace Violence Restraining Order
WV-800-INFO How Do I Turn In or Sell My Firearms?
WV-800 Proof of Firearms Turned In or Sold

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