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Jury Summons Reporting Instructions

Verify the date below is your date.

This data is updated by 5:30 p.m. daily.

Then find your group number below to determine "your instructions".

For the date of March 4, 2025

Group(s) Instruction
  The following items are not allowed in the courthouse: knives, scissors, sharp objects, weapons of any kind, pepper spray, or glass items, such as bottles, cups, etc.
  Make arrangements for personal matters as you *may* be at the courthouse for a full business day, which could end between 4:30 and 5:00 p.m. Children under 18 are NOT permitted.
  PARK IN THE "JURY PARKING" LOT OR THE CALIFORNIA STREET PARKING GARAGE. PLACE THE JUROR PARKING PASS ON YOUR DASH AND BRING THE OTHER HALF OF THE SUMMONS WITH YOU TO THE JURY ASSEMBLY ROOM. CUT ON THE DOTTED LINE TO SEPARATE. Do NOT park in the metered parking, permit, or the signed limited parking hours, unless you have a disability placard. Jury Service does not override the parking meters but will validate parking in the California Street Parking Garage only. Please plan on arriving early to find adequate parking.
  Log on to the "Jury Duty Portal" to update your online profile including your email address, phone number, the section regarding reimbursement for mileage and daily fee. On your portal, you are unable to edit your date of birth. It is correct in our system. You may also complete the above process in the Jury Assembly Room.

Please check this website after 5:30 p.m. on Monday, March 3, 2025, for reporting instructions OR call the jury service reporting information line after 5:30 p.m. at (530) 225-5701 and select option 1 (one) to hear the current reporting instructions. If you have questions or require additional information, please select the Jury Service "Frequently Asked Questions" option. A jury duty service video is also available for viewing.

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